The Wenga Postie Bike Project -> The back story

The back story

Back in February 2006, the wenga crew went to the back blocks of Sydney to pick up a group buy of postie bikes (Honda CT110 motorcycles), purchased from ebay.

The ebay images

Here's the images from ebay to give some perspective to the parts purchased. The wenga crew bought 2/5ths of all the bits seen here.

Here's most of the frames. Note the blue CT90 trike to the left. Unfortunately, its frame tube was cracked well beyond repair, so it went to the metal recyclers.

Assorted parts. The chain in the top right was perma-kinked; completely rusted solid, despite having a good covering of grease.

Here's some heads and a couple of cranks etc.

Another view of some assorted engine parts.

More barrels and heads!

Gaskets and really assorted bits.

CT90 trike. Per previous comment, the frame was pretty dead so it went to the metal recyclers. Had a good CT90 motor plus the 3 speed with hi-lo range gearbox though. Not part of the bits that the wenga crew bought though.

Plastics and air filters etc. Two frame tube covers per person in the group buy.

Almost complete engine plus a box of carby parts. About 6 carbies included, plus parts for another maybe 3?

Wheels. Most were trashed.

Exhaust stuff. Most were rusted and destroyed, including the chrome.

Front view of the CT90 trike. Forks give an indication of the level of quality of most of the parts.


As for the trek to the place where all these parts were, have a map courtesy of Google Maps.

The wenga crew are approximately located somewhere near A, and the bikes came from B. Round trip of 650km or so.

Packing the bits in

To pick all the bits up, we used my 4wd and a tall trailer. When we pulled up, the bloke seemed pretty convinced we wouldn't fit everything. Naturally, we perservered in the 35°C heat and packed it all in. The bikes fitted with them all standing on their back wheel and strapped in. The advantage of a covered tall trailer!

The bits packed into the boot of my car (click for bigger).

The bikes packed into the trailer (click for bigger).

The parts

In total, there were around 5 or 6 engines, 9 postie bike frames, 11 front wheels and 9 rear, plus the CT90 trike and assorted parts. Assorted parts were divvied up, and the frames were separated. Most of the frames were cracked; there were 5 suitable to rebuild, so therefore each person in the group buy got a frame. The wenga crew grabbed two frames and bits to approximately make two bikes.

The rebuild